Progress Report |
Society/Corporate: | BIBSYS |
Country: | Norway |
Internet: | http://www.bibsys.no |
Name: | Kofoed, Jan Erik |
Email: | Jan.Kofoed@bibsys.no |
Phone: | +47-73596971 |
Fax: | +47-73596848 |
Mission Statement | BIBSYS mission is to develop and provide cost-efficient information services databases to our partner libraries and their users. This includes developing and maintaining shared computer systems, supporting tasks related to registration, retrieval, circulation, interlibrary loaning and document delivery. |
Computer Networks and Connectivity | a.In General HW, SW: All BIBSYS services are available over the TCP/IP protocol. BIBSYS and our partner libraries are connected through the Norwegian academic network, UNINETT. The main prtocol for BIBSYS services is HTTP. A part of the systems are still using Telnet. For command line interface, Entire Web Viewer from Software AG can be used instead of Telnet.
BIBSYS has started using Web Services. The SRW protocol is used within a Norwegian service for cross-searching heterogeneous image databases, one of which is the BIBSYS image database. |
Library Automation | a.In General HW, SW: The BIBSYS applications are mainly homegrown, using the ADABAS DBMS and NATURAL programming language. The applications run on HW consisting of IBM RS computers, Linux, and Sun Solaris. For new services a new J2EE based multi-tier architecture is used. New ILS applications are developed using Java servlets and JSP. Considerable effort is spent to make these applications browser-independent and multilingual (4 languages including Sámi).
Two of the systems, the Subject Gateway and the Image Database, is using the XML Database Tamino from Software AG. Database schema is defined using DTDs and W3C Schemas. The XML Database is queried using XQuery and XPath.
All new applications in BIBSYS is using UNICODE as a universal character set. |
Union Catalog | a.Software used: The Library Database, i.e. the union catalogue for the BIBSYS libraries, is built on a NATURAL/ASABAS database backend and HTTP, as well as Z39.50 application frontends. The ONE-2 toolkit for Z39.50 is among the software components. The graphic user interface includes enhanced services, e. g. integrated access to electronic journal titles, access to supplemental descriptions (abstracts, TOCs and pictures of covers for monographs) and enhanced linking between records. The Z39.50 service includes advanced functionality, e. g. holding records in XML, Dublin Core/RDF-formatted bibliographic records and the Explain lite service developed within the ONE-2 project. The full Sámi character set is supported in a UNICODE based search interface. |
Digital Library | a.Based on your production of digital documents:: The BIBSYS libraries are currently running projects for publishing of digital collections. BIBSYS is involved in these projects on different levels, e. g. managing metadata and databases. The BIBSYS image database module is used by one of the BIBSYS libraries, and we hope more will join. |
Special webservice | The BIBSYS image database module presently contains one database, the image database of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, containing more than 49.000 images. The system is available to other institutions. The database includes XML-encoded MARC metadata records with embedded image files. The software is built on the XML DBMS Tamino from Software AG.
The BIBSYS Subject portal contains at present more than 4,000 records from all academic subject areas. A private subject hierarchy, mapped to DDC, is used for retrieval purposes. The record structure is non-MARC, with a DC-based metadata schema. The new abridged Norwegian version of DDC (DDK5) is integrated as one of the access points in the Subject portal. The Subject portal not only contains metadata of the web resources, but the content of the resources are indexed and searchable.
BIBSYS X, the BIBSYS document ordering service, has replaced the BIBSYS LINK. BIBSYS X is now implemented in PubMed, FirstSearch, Web of Knowledge and SAMBOK.
The BIBSYS union catalogue database is available for record harvesting using the OAI-PMH protocol. This service is presently used by the National Library for their project Cultural heritage EKOFISK history of oil production and search service Sesam, by NORA (Norwegain Open Research Archive) for searching metadata from open institutional repositories and by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences for exporting records to the FAO AGRIS service. |
Research and Tehnology Development Products | The BIBSYS system for research documents (ForskDok) is undergoing a major upgrade. A new client is made for registration and there are systems for quality assurance of the records.
BIBSYS is implementing a Search portal for a consortium of 37 member institutions in BIBSYS. Software from OCLC is purchased: Sisis Elektra as search portal and TDNet as database for periodicals.
Another consortium of 24 members has financed a project for developing a system for electronic publishing and institutional archives. The project focuses on open source software. The system is planned to go into production by the end of 2006.
BIBSYS has also received fundings for the project "BIBSYS at Your Service". It will build the first part of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for BIBSYS. Most of it will be offered as web services and will include SRU/SRW towards the Library Database, metadata converting and an upgrade of the OAI-server.
The Image database will be expanded with a module (ANTON) for archiving drawings and description of old buildings with preservation value. Support for SRW Scan will also be added.
Others | A new website is being built for BIBSYS using advanced tools from IBM (Web Content Management). The website will use a DB2 RDBMS as repository and communicate with the end user via portlets (Java webapplications). As part of this project an information architecture and a new graphical design are developed.